Saturday, April 05, 2008

Scrpbook A Song

That's a challenge we had at one of the Israelis forums.

It took me just a few seconds to know which song I choose, but the harder part was to decide how to design the page itself.
The song speaks a lot about pain, and the images that came to my mind were jagged black and red. I didn't want to use that, so i kept thinking. The month was ending, and I still had no new ideas, until, suddenly, three days before the month ended, I had it.
I chose a sentence from the end of the song, and immediately knew what image is going to be at the center of my page. You probably know it, I got it in my mail several times, and now found it online, and I have no idea who created it, so I don't know who I'm supposed to give credit to...
But I love it. And it fit perfectly.

Here's my page:
The song is "Now You're Coming Back" sung by Miri Masika, written and composed by Erik Berman.

The line from the song, written on the page in Hebrew, reads: "Today I'm smiling even to the one in the mirror".

The rest of the elements on my page are my creation, with special thanks to Atomic Cupcake.

And then I remembered the two first pages I ever created.

Both were done on songs written by the late Ehud Manor, shortly after his death. Ehud Manor was one of the more important and noted song-writers in Israel, and he is very missed.

This page is done for the song: "Days of Binyamina".
Words by Ehud Manor, Music by Mati Caspi.

The lines from the song, written on the page are:
"Whatever happened to the child who spoke to the stars,
Who told secrets to yellow-weeds and seagulls,
Who counted every freckle quietly and fell asleep in the sand,
What happened to him one day that he got up and disappeared?"

The page was painted with acrilic paints, and the stars are glued on for extra sparkle.

This is a second page done on Ehud Manor's songs.
This song is called "My Second Childhood".
Words by Ehud Manor, Music by Mati Caspi.

The line from the song, written on the page, is:
"This is my second childhood... with you".

This page was painted with water-based colored pencils.


adi barash said...

love your work very nice pages

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful and capture the essence of the songs.

Erika said...

How beautiful, you really are so talented. I thought about your challenge and which song I would scrap. To Sir with Love sprang to mind because it is on a new CD I have been listening to (a cover version by Tina Arena) and it always reminds me of my grade 11 history teacher, who I had a HUGE secret crush on. I thought he was just IT. He influenced my choice of degree and postgrad study and some of the practical skills he taught us really have helped over the years. The more I think of it, the more "page-worthy" it is. I just wish I had a photo of him to include.
Thanks for sharing your layouts and prompting a trip down memory lane.
Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the MP3 e MP4, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.