Saturday, April 26, 2008

Spring Fling

Well, my nieces LOVED their gifts. The snail was ordered, as I told you before, but the owl was a total surprise.

Tamar wondered why her snail didn't have a mouth, and insisted on drawing one. Remembering that she in only turning 4 in July, she did an amazing job, even if it did come out a little off center... OK, a lot off center... I still love it! She drew a big laughing mouth. All it misses are the teeth...

I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of it. I'll try to do that in the next few days, when I'm there again.

I finally finished my new kit.
As always, for lack of free time, I design my kits for the DSO color challange, So thanks, Kim, for those challanges.
And again, I owe special thanks to Atomic Cupacke.

Here it is: Spring Fling.

You can download it HERE.

Have fun.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful kit! TY so much. Cynthia

Hatuli said...

Beautiful kit! Thank you very much for it!

Kim B said...

WOOOHOOO- this is beautiful girlfriend! Thanks so much for sharing it with us all!